Art and culture

The Santa Maria della Vittoria Church in Rome

A wonderful image, a few paintings, history.. and, here we are in the Czech Republic By now, nearly everyone knows at least one of the Churches of Langdon’s journey, protagonist of the thriller film Angels and Demons, directed by Ron Howard and based on...

Grand Hotel. Romanzo sopra le nuvole

Winner in 2007 of the Czech literary prize Magnesia Litera, “Grand Hotel: a novel above the clouds”, tells the surreal story of a boy crushed by the difficulties of a life full of obstacles, but who knows how to understand the clouds, the high...

La regina del regno dei cristalli

On the eve of the Great War, Herbert, a waiter of a Prague café, retraces the days spent inside a castle belonging to a noble family from the Kingdom of Bohemia. Through a meeting in the café where he works, he meets the lady...

The man who burnt corpses

Immortalized by a series of memorable performances, Rudolf Hrušínský still remains an icon of Czech cinema in the world today. An impressively versatile actor, able to masterfully play such diametrically opposed roles as that of hilarious soldier Švejk and the diabolical Kopfrkingl “Nobody will...

Fiabe di Praga magica (Parola di Fiaba)

“Fiabe di Praga magica (Parola di Fiaba)”, i.e. fairytales of magic Prague, is the new edition of the collection of short stories resulting from the research of Scilla Abbiati Sivazliyan. The extravagance of the situations and characters in this collection is typical of the...

La favola del cane

Born in Malé Svatoňovice, Bohemia, at the time of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Karel Čapek (1890-1938) studied philosophy in Prague before pursuing a career as a journalist. Today Čapek is considered one of the greatest Czechoslovakian writers of the early 1900s. Author of plays, short...

A Praga con Kafka. Le vie, le case, i ricordi

How many books have been written on the relationship between Kafka and his city? Many, yet there is always something left to say. In fact, between the city of Prague and Kafka there is a very particular bond, both because most of his works...

Sursum, when art and the occult meet

A circle of painters and writers remembered as an important example of contact between official culture and mystical and esoteric thought, particularly in vogue in the Europe of the early twentieth century At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, and mainly at...

Karel Moor. «Musicista migrante» nella Mitteleuropa del ‘900

Karel Moor was a Czech composer and orchestra conductor who lived between 1873 and 1945. Born in Lázně Bělohrad, in the quiet Bohemian province, from a restless character and a prolific artist, he participated with energy and strength in the development of the Czech...

Il museo delle promesse infrante

Laure is the curator of the Museum of Broken Promises in Paris. When she leaves France and arrives in Prague, in the summer of 1986, she feels that she has been catapulted into a world with less vivid colors, less vibrant voices, and less...