

From 25 September to 24 January, 2016

The Prague of Hus

In 2015, the year of Hus, various initiatives have been set up to commemorate the Bohemian reformer and martyr Jan Hus, accused of being a heretic and burned at the stake on July 6, 1415. After the official commemoration at the beginning of July, the Prague City Museum and a number of other institutions have celebrated him with an exhibition at Clam-Gallas Palace, a key figure for his theological and educational ideas and whose death led to an independent church from Rome. Hus carried out his activity in the capital, that at the time was the political and cultural metropolis of the empire and the scene of the Hussite revolution, and at the University of Prague, where he was rector in 1409-1410. Documents relating to the expansion of his doctrine in Bohemia and abroad, as well as works of art and books, are proof of the importance of the Hussite tradition during the six centuries of its history.
