
Sugaman, libri elettronici” has published in digital format (even books gain from technology): “History of the Party of Moderate Progress within the Bounds of the Law”, by the great Jaroslav Hašek, translated by Sergio Corduas. The book collects the speeches made during the political rallies held by the Czech writer during the election campaign for the renewal of the Austro-Hungarian Parliament in 1911, when Hašek ran with his own political party, of Dadaistic and goliardic inspiration, which obtained 38 votes. In this book, the Publishing House has brought together the texts which the well known Italian Bohemian, Sergio Corduas, had inserted in the volume entitled: “Švejk against Italy”, published by Garzanti in 1975. As Giorgio Vasta wrote in his review of the book on “La Repubblica”: «History of the Party is an anarchical handbook, a sort of antidote to immunize oneself against the rhetoric of power, an acutely ironic instrument through which one may recognize how, at times, it is in the political sphere that human bêtise shines in its entire splendor».

Jaroslav Hašek,
Story of the Moderate Progress Party within the bounds of the law,
Sugaman edizioni: 2012
