
Under the auspices of Dante Alighieri, two special events pay tribute to the great Italian Slavist, prince of Bohemistics, on the centenary of his birth

An October in honor of Ripellino

The first event is titled “Living… and not getting tired of loving: a tribute to Ripellino beyond magical Prague” and will take place in Brno, Thursday, Oct. 12, 2023, at 6 p.m., at the Filozofická fakulta of Masaryk University. Those who cannot attend in person can follow the event online. Simply send a request to eventi.sda@dantepraga.cz. The program promises an immersive evening of words and poems, discovering some lesser-known aspects of Ripellino’s work. The conversation will feature two eminent experts Antonio Pane and Alessandro Catalano, linguist Giovanni Polizzi and, as moderator, researcher Paolo Tabacchini.


On Saturday, Oct. 28, from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m., Ripellino lovers will have the opportunity to take part in a guided walk entitled “A Malá Strana, four steps with Ripellino.” This experience, organized in cooperation with Turisti per Praga, is inspired by the book “Un Viandante a Praga” by Francesco Japelli, and promises to take participants through those places masterfully described in the essay-romance “Magic Prague.” It will be a tour through a living stage full of history, legends and, of course, literature. Those who wish to participate and have more details can send a request again to eventi.sda@dantepraga.cz.
