Art and culture

Milan Rastislav Štefánik, father of Czechoslovakian independence

On 4th May iin Bratislava, 90 years after the death of Milan Rastislav Štefánik (1880 – 1919), a monument was officially presented in honour to one of the most significant political and military protagonists of Czechoslovakian independence of 1918. The imposing sculpture, which is...

Dante Alighieri Association – The World in Italian

An interview with Monia Camuglia, president of the Prague’s committee of the prestigious institution whose aim is to promote the Italian language and its culture around the world. Today, five years after the association was founded, the Dante Association, Prague is providing regular courses...

Angelo Maria Ripellino: smrt Pražana v exilu

Mezi Československem a Itálií, život exilového básníka a jeho boj za svobodu slova Angelo Maria Ripellino: smrt Pražana v exilu Alessio Di Giulio * “Praha měla svého exilového spisovatele: Angelo Maria Ripellino zemřel.” Tolik slova Guida Ceronettiho den po smrti tohoto sicilsko-slovanského středoevropana, narozeného...