Author Archive

Trump and Zeman, friends or possibly not quite so

Visit to the White House postponed – a minor setback or a misunderstanding? According to the diplomatic circles the official invitation has never been made The visit of the Czech president Miloš Zeman to the White House was not only expected at the Prague...

Prague-EU: all-out prizefight over firearm ownership legislation

Czech Republic has appealed to the European Court of Justice against the restrictive directive and launches a constitutional reform. For the Czech authorities, the EU Directive is punitive and does not sustain the fight against terrorism The citizens’ security, the increasingly frequent terrorist attacks...

Those bad guys of the nineties

A book, an exhibition, a backfire: Czechs get passionate about the stories of the rebels of twenty years ago Anarchists and skinheads, squatters and skaters, groups united by techno music, rap, punk and metal as well as sprayers and fans of fantasy games. These...

Czech football scores an own goal on corruption

Flooded with scandals, both big and small, Czech football has decided not to turn over a new leaf from the management of the last fifteen years From zero to zero. It is in this way that one could sum up the outcome of the...

(Italiano) Il mese de La Pagina Febbraio – Marzo 2017

Politica (5 febbraio) Scatta legge su conflitto di interessi. Il miliardario Andrej Babiš, vicepremier e ministro delle Finanze, in virtù della nuova normativa trasferisce la sua holding Agrofert e altre proprietà a due fondi fiduciari. La legge viene intanto impugnata dal presidente Miloš Zeman,...

The Czech Liberty in Miramare

From June 23rd to January 7th The Czech Liberty in Miramare The Miramare Castle in Trieste hosts an exhibition that brings for the first time in Italy one part of the collection dedicated to the Czech and European Liberty belonging to the Museum of...

Bob Dylan: On the road

From June 7th to August 31st Bob Dylan: On the road “The Unknown Face of the Known Artist” is the subtitle of the exhibition “Bob Dylan: On the road”, open all summer long in the Cross Hall of the old Town Hall in Prague....

Jan Kodeš, the gentleman who conquered world tennis

From the early days in Prague to the victories in Grand Slam tournaments, we look at Jan Kodeš, the first world famous Czech tennis player Disarming elegance. His movement between the court lines used to display a class above the norm, which along with...

Classic / Mozart & Pergolesi

The 24th of May Classic / Mozart & Pergolesi Master Walter Attanasi organizes and chairs the Classic Concert which will take place on the evening of May 24th, in the Sukova síň Hall of Rudolfinum in Prague. In the first part of the program...

Masaryk, when history is secondary to cinema

Karel Roden shines in the biopic on the diplomat, son of the founder of Czechoslovakia. However, the abundant ficticious elements have infuriated the historians For the Czech and Slovak lands, who lived through a rather turbulent century including the nation’s birth, Nazi occupation, forty...