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(Italiano) Il mese de La Pagina Dicembre 2016 – Gennaio 2017

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A nation of dancers

During the winter and early spring, ballrooms host dozens of dancing events, renewing a tradition which still remains alive in the Czech Republic. The dance and etiquette classes for high school students continue to be an inevitable rite of passage into adulthood Visitors to Prague...

Alvaro Soler in Prague

On February 18 Alvaro Soler in Prague On February 18, Alvaro Soler will perform in the Czech Republic for the first time. The event aroused so much interest that the Roxy Club pre-sale tickets were sold out in just a few days, obliging the...

Moser, a crystal scepter

This is a story of artisans. It all started during the period of the Empire, on its periphery. At the time it was called Karlsbad, Karlovy Vary, when Bohemia was the last northern region of the Great Austria-Hungarian Empire. This story is one of...

The magic pencil of Sergio Caruso, on the road

From Milan to Pardubice, the Central European dream of the Italian designer Sergio Caruso Craftsman or artist? Creative or merely a clerk? In short, a dreamer with a pencil or a cold executor of designs, drawings, ideas that are imposed from above? At the...

“Trieste and Prague are my homelands”

Italian writer and essayist Claudio Magris was in Prague in late October to receive the Franz Kafka Prize assigned to him this year by an international jury It is not the first time that Magris has stayed in Prague, but never before had Czech...

Prague and Fidel, we loved each other so much

From the idyllic life of the 1960s, to the post-1989 grudges. Over half a century in the relations between El Líder Máximo and the Czech Lands The history of relations between Havana and Prague, from when Fidel Castro came to power, until his death,...

Prague stirs the forge of Hephaestus

A boom in spending on Defence and a budget for armaments with nine zeroes. Minister Martin Stropnický talks about it in an interview On one hand, there are the demands of NATO to its allies for efficient and modern armies, and on the other...

Journalism 2.0 in the Czech Republic

In the endless possibilities of the digital age, we explore how the reporter’s job and the readers are changing even in this country Forget the reporters with the simple notebook, and a pencil always resting on their ear; forget the waistcoats with eight pockets...

JKOK – The Infinity of Jan Kaplický

From November the 8th to March the 11th JKOK The Gallery of the Dancing House is hosting the JKOK exhibition, dedicated to architect Jan Kaplický. The subheading “The Infinity of Jan Kaplický” alludes to his interpretation of visionary architecture, projected towards the future, but...