Author Archive

No hurry for the Euro in Prague

The International Monetary fund advocates fast-track adoption of the Euro in Eastern Europe At the beginning of April, the Financial Times (FT) cited a confidential report by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) calling for the relaxation of the terms foreseen by the Maastricht agreement,...

Statistician Jan Fischer to be appointed premier

By the first decade of May, Mirek Topolanek’s Government, which had to face a vote of no confidence at the end of March, will definitively pass the baton on to a new technical and provisional executive guided by Jan Fisher himself. It was actually...

A Lesson in Diplomacy by the Instigator of the Velvet Revolution

Ex-President Václav Havel remains the landmark for the new Czech political class and for leading world figures. He symbolises the struggle for human rights and the fight for freedom Before leaving Prague during his European visit, President Obama met the former Czech President Heads...

Angelo Maria Ripellino: smrt Pražana v exilu

Mezi Československem a Itálií, život exilového básníka a jeho boj za svobodu slova Angelo Maria Ripellino: smrt Pražana v exilu Alessio Di Giulio * “Praha měla svého exilového spisovatele: Angelo Maria Ripellino zemřel.” Tolik slova Guida Ceronettiho den po smrti tohoto sicilsko-slovanského středoevropana, narozeného...

(Italiano) La prima stella della nuova Europa

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano....