Art and culture

Jana Kolinková e i misteri di Praga

Following a tragic accident near Liberec, in the north of the Czech Republic, police lieutenant Jana Kolinková moves to Prague, within the homicide division alongside her new colleague Mirek Hermann. Thereby, Jana immerses herself in the Praguian reality filled with strange characters and unscrupulous...

When the small screen eclipses the big one

New ideas and courage are lacking in Czech cinema. On the other hand, the TV series show greater impetus and better reflect the reality of the country Starting from the new millennium, and particularly in the last decade, there has been a noticeable change...

111 luoghi di Praga che devi proprio scoprire

Have you ever paid your coffee using a crypto currency? Did you know that there were two Bethlehem chapels in Prague? Have you ever taken a paternoster elevator? How come Sputnik flew from Stromovka to Baba? And above all this, what if you were...

Magic and Love: the relationship between Schiele and Český Krumlov

The life of the painter is intertwined with one of the most fascinating place in the Czech Republic, Český Krumlov The small Renaissance-style jewel of Český Krumlov, in Southern Bohemia was a great source of inspiration for the Austrian painter Egon Schiele, not only...

The Lights of Prague

In the quiet streets of Prague, and unknown to its citizens, swarms of mysterious creatures lurk in the shadows. For the unsuspecting people, the only defense against this tide of otherworldly predators is an elite of monster hunters who with their work drive these...

In search of Menzel

An extraordinary documentary traces the life of the recently deceased great director and the sociopolitical context in which he worked It is a story that began on October 19, 2010, when after almost a year of phone calls and emails, Indian director Shivendra Singh...

Summer ‘90: the Stones are rolling in

Václav Havel wanted to celebrate the end of the regime with a rock party and Strahov stadium became an Urban Jungle A torrential rain whips a dense, immense crowd. There are more than one hundred thousand, crowded into what is the largest stadium in...

Alfons Mucha, between brush and compass

Alfons Mucha, artist and mason… Mucha: the interesting coexistence of a profound and sincere catholic education with the choice of becoming a mason When we talk about Art Nouveau, the name of the one who has characterized more than any others have this extraordinary...

Charles University Prague

A secular tradition that knows how to bet on the future Founded in 1348 by the Emperor Charles IV with four different sections (theology, liberal arts, medicine and law), the Charles University is the oldest in central Europe. Unfortunately, it maintained its autonomy only...

Regime architecture; what fate?

From the Biennale of Venice 2017, at the pavilion ‘Cecoslovacchia’, a reflection on the buildings seen as the legacy of the communist era Having crossed the red marble portal on which the large ‘Cecoslovacchia’ sign still stands out, a mysterious scarlet metal object welcomes...