Art and culture

Le iniziate di Praga

In the mid-1970s, Eastern Europe is immersed in the gloomy climate of normalization after the turmoil of 1968. Czechoslovakia, secular and cultured, seems to be shrouded in immobility with no way out. In reality, the society is filled with the tremors of dissidence against...

Journey into the depths of the robot’s soul

From 26 September to 31 August 2021 The Memorial to Karel Čapek in the municipality of Stará Huť, in Central Bohemia, dedicates an exhibition to the centenary of the play R.U.R., a work of Čapek himself, in which the word robot appeared for the first time....

La fine dei vecchi tempi

Edited and translated by the Bohemian Giuseppe Dierna, one of the books considered among the most original and fun of the twentieth century comes out for the first time in Italian. “The end of the old days” is a novel set in the newly...

Milan Kundera, une vie d’écrivain

In this publication, the journalist Jean-Dominique Brierre, through the study of writings, interviews, testimonials and unpublished documents, reveals little known aspects of the life and personality of the Czech writer Milan Kundera. Born in 1929, Kundera started out his career as a musician, but...

Kundera vs Havel fifty years later

A passionate controversy on the ‘68 Praguian events between two masters of Czech history “It was a life that truly resembled to a work of art”. This is the posthumous eulogy dedicated by Milan Kundera to the only Czech who reached the same heights...

Jan Dismas Zelenka. La vita e l’opera di un musicista boemo tra Praga, Dresda e Vienna

Trained in Prague and Vienna, active until his death as an instrumentalist and composer at the court of Dresden, the Bohemian musician Jan Dismas Zelenka (1679-1745) is the most significant case of an ever-inspired composer, admired, among others, by Johann Sebastian Bach, Georg Philipp...

Czechoslovakia, cradle of science fiction

From the time of Karel Čapek and his robots, and even before, this country’s science fiction has had a profound influence also abroad, both in cinema and in literature Have you ever wondered where the word “robot” originated from, as well as the very...

Pavel Tigrid, story of a fair and free man

A portrait of the most famous Czechoslovak dissident journalist, a free voice against totalitarianism. Twice forced into exile before returning home. Firm with his democratic principles, and pragmatic in his action of political opposition “My country is close to my heart. This is probably...

La perlina sul fondo

With an afterword by the Bohemian scholar Alessandro Catalano, the book that made the Czech writer Bohumil Hrabal known to the general public, has finally been translated into Italian by Laura Angeloni. “Pearls of the Deep”, as it is known in English, in fact,...

The “New Wave” of Czech literature in Italy

Miraggi, the Turin-based publishing house that has dedicated an entire collection to the authors of this country Nová Vlna is the collection of literature in which space is given both to authors never translated before into Italian and forgotten texts According to a ranking...